Sunt un credincios mare că găsirea celui mai bun cărucior pentru dvs. este unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri pe care le puteți face înainte ca bebelușul să sosească! În timp ce am făcut o mulțime de copii purtând cu nou-născuții, încă nu-mi pot imagina că nu am un cărucior în jurul valorii de plimbări și ieșiri. Acestea fiind spuse, nevoia de cărucioare a fiecărei familii probabil vor fi un pic diferit. Veți dori să luați în considerare stilul de viață împreună cu bugetul, stilul și confortul pentru a găsi cea mai bună potrivire.
Mai jos este defalcarea noastră a celor mai bune cărucioare din 2022 pentru fiecare tip de mamă.
Cele mai bune cărucioare în 2022
Cel mai bun cărucior Genduppababy Cruz
Cel mai bun bang pentru bockmockingbird
Cel mai bun pentru o epocă confortabilă cu Ridebumbleride
Cel mai bun pentru tema Park Lovin ‘Mamy Baby Jogger City Tiny GT2
Cel mai bun sistem de călătorie Chicco Bravo Trio Trio
Cel mai bun LightweightBabyzen Yoyo2 6+
Cel mai bun StrollerbugaBoo Donkey 3 Mono
Cel mai bun jogging Strollerbob Revolution Flex 3.0
Cel mai bun umbrelă Stroller3d Lite Cărucior de Comfort
Cel mai bun cărucior în general
Uppababy Cruz este un cărucior premium care este destul de mult pe fiecare mami nou pe radarul ei (și pentru un motiv bun!). Uppababy Cruz este un cărucior excepțional în jurul valorii de tot. Funcționează excelent în tone de diferite scenarii de la plimbările cu plăcere la aventurile pe tot parcursul zilei.
5 lucruri pe care le iubim absolut despre Uppababy Cruz
Ușor de îndepărtat scaunul scaunului / mașinii – acest lucru este esențial atunci când aveți un nou-născut. Cu un scaun de mașină upPaBaby, puteți afișa acel loc de mașină ideal din mașină și în cărucior cu un clic de bază, lăsând copilul tău să dormi liniștit în interior.
Ride incredibil de netedă – Uppababy Cruz are o suspensie de 4 roți, ceea ce indică că puteți folosi acest lucru destul de mult oriunde și aveți o plimbare destul de netedă pentru copil.
Cel mai bun spațiu de stocare – Uppababy Cruz este de departe cel mai bun cărucior pentru depozitare. Are un coș de stocare ușor de acces, care poate deține atât de mult! În plus, are un compartiment pentru o ceașcă și un buzunar suplimentar. Coșul poate conține până la 30 de kilograme.
Mare pentru copiii dvs., pe măsură ce cresc – Uppababy Cruz are un suport de picioare care se adaptează copilului dvs., deoarece acestea devin mai mari, plus că poate gestiona o greutate de până la 50 kg.
Un sistem de frânare ușor de utilizat – acest lucru ar putea părea ciudat, dar mă auzi. O mulțime de cărucioare au frâne de picior, care sunt convenabile, dar de obicei, trebuie să faceți clic pentru a debloca frâna. Acest lucru este bine dacă nu purtați sandale. Am rupt sandale sau am distrus o mare pedichiură încercând să fac clic pe frână. Pe uppababy există o parte pentru frână (roșu marcată) și deblocarea este pe cealaltă parte (verde marcată).
Alte lucruri pe care le iubim despre Uppababy Cruz
Împreună cu cadrul UPPABABY CRUZ, există câteva accesorii excelente care fac ca acest cărucior versatil. Aceasta include bassinetul cu o pungă de stocare, scaun de copil reversibil, scut de ploaie pentru scaunul copilului și scutul de bug atât pentru scaunul bassinetului, cât și pentru scaunul copilului.
Dacă veți folosi în mod regulat un cărucior (plimbările zilnice, excursii la parc etc.), acest cărucior este suficient de durabil și suficient de versatil pentru a purta unul sau mai mulți copii de ani de zile. Ca să nu mai vorbim, Uppababy Cruz absolut nu lipsește în stil. De fapt, ea tops lista mea pentru aspect!
Un lucru de observat …
Uppababy Cruz nu se poate extinde la un cărucior dublu. Cu toate acestea, are un bord permanent pe care îl puteți cumpăra separat, pe care îl iubim pentru cei de 7 ani. Dacă doriți să vă extindeți la un cărucior dublu, consultați Vista Uppaby.
Puteți verifica revizuirea completă a Uppababy Cruz pe Instagram!
Unde puteți obține Uppababy Cruz
Acest cărucior poate fi găsit în magazinele locale sau prin comenzi online și vă va costa aproximativ 649,99 USD.
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Cel mai bun bang pentru buck
Mockingbird Stroller.
Mockingbird este singurul cărucior care ne-a șocat cel mai mult. Am auzit lucruri bune despre căruciorul Mockingbird, dar când am mers să o folosim, am fost foarte impresionați.
Top 5 lucruri pe care le iubim despre Căruciorul Mockingbird
Iată cele 5 lucruri pe care le iubim absolut despre căruciorul Mockingbird și îl facem unul dintre cele mai bune cărucioare de pe piață.
Pliere cu o singură mână – acest cărucior este incredibil de ușor de îndoit și stă pe cont propriu. Mare pentru dacă sunteți în afara și loviți un parc tematic.
Easy cu o singură mână așezată scaune plate – acesta este probabil cel mai ușor scaun pentru a pune apartament.
Detașabil ușor de curățat inserția – mare pentru a curăța după mese sau spit-up-uri. Există o taxă suplimentară pentru această inserție, dar merită absolut, deoarece curățarea în interiorul cărucioarelor este o astfel de durere.
Tone de depozitare – Veți fi surprinși de cât de multe lucruri puteți împinge sub Mockingbird
Convertiți cu ușurință într-un cărucior dublu – având opțiunea de a converti cu ușurință căruciorul dublu este întotdeauna un bonus!
Other things You must know about the Mockingbird Stroller
The 6-position handlebars adjust to a lot of heights when it pertains to stroller pushers. The seats recline, but they can also reverse so that your baby can see you. storage baskets are extra large for all of your suppliespe fugă. The one-hand fold makes it easy to pack up the stroller and get on your way.
If you want a stroller to manage a lot more than one toddler at a time, consider the Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller. For just a little a lot more in price, it is possible to get the great design and construction that can hold two little ones at a time. The flexibility of a transitioning stroller from one to two and back to one makes it a great “bang for your buck”.
Where can you get the Mockingbird Stroller
The Mockingbird Stroller is custom-made made at the time of order. demand is high, so pre-order may take weeks for it to arrive, but it is worth it. It starts with a 30-day risk-free trial and continues through a lifetime warranty on manufacturing defects. Each stroller comes with the canopy, attachable sunshade, and bumper bar. The car seat adapter lets you use a car seat from nine models. From infant to 50 pounds, your child will have a comfy ride.
This stroller can be found will cost you about $395 for the single model and $145 for the second seat kit.
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Best for Comfort
Bumbleride Era
The Bumbleride era uses a comfortable and incredibly smooth ride. It is sleek, stylish, and eco-friendly!
5 things We love about the Bumbleride Era
Incredibly comfortable For baby – This stroller has comfy maker washable seat fabrics and it is covered with a canopy that has pop-out extensions with air vents for airflow and sun protection. This is best for those hot summer days. I remember my oldest yanking down the canopy because the sun always found a way to creep in the stroller.
Air Filled Tires for Bumpy roads – The air-filled tires are part of the 360-degree front swivel. What’s even smarter for this all-wheel suspension ride is that the air pump is already in its pocket in the storage basket.
Transform into a tiny Bassinet – The reclining seat can convert into a tiny bassinet as it lays down flat and then with a few snaps you have yourself a tiny bassinet. This indicates there is no need to purchase an additional bassinet.
Compact & Expandable – For a compact stroller, it has room for your baby to grow. and adjustable footrest grows with your content child.
Eco-Friendly – This might be the most environment-friendly stroller on the market and so sleek with features like the all-natural cork handlebar.
One thing we would like to see improved but isn’t a big deal.
The only thing we did not love about the Bumbleride era was the way it folds. It is not extremely difficult, just a little awkward as you have to swing the bar up and over the stroller. Otherwise, this stroller is a pretty sweet ride for baby.
Where can you get the Bumbleride Era
Bumbleride can be found in local stores or through online orders. There are 5 colors from which to choose and accessories (most sold separately) that help this stroller stay with your baby from birth to toddler. A Bumbleride era runs about $689.
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Best Stroller for the theme Park Mom
Baby Jogger City tiny GT2 Stroller
When it pertains to theme parks with children, a quality stroller makes everything easier. Parks, like Disney, have restrictions on the size of strollers. City tiny GT2 meets the requirement of 31-inches large by 52-inches long. In fact, you know the City tiny is a good theme park stroller because 95% of theme park stroller rental companies use it.
Of course, any stroller that is good enough to make it through a day at a theme park is great for day-to-day needs as well!
Why the City tiny Tops Our best Stroller List
We had a City tiny for 4 of our kids, so you best believe we love it! The smooth ride will help you maneuver through groups and families when in theme parks. With the forever air rubber tires and all-wheel suspension, you can manage any type of terrain, even dirt paths.
Other things We love about This Stroller
Lightweight design – The lightweight frame folds easily with one hand, which helps when collapsing it to board boats, trams, and monorails. all of this ease comes in a stroller that can support children up to 65 lb.
Easy to fold and tons of storage – There are two essentials when it pertains to theme park strollers; easy break down and tons of storage. This stroller has both. You will get a gigantic basket and a one-hand fold with the City Mini.
The capability to Hold Older kids – If you have an older child that wants to ride a lot more than walk, the glider board accessory holds up to 45 lbs and folds up when not in use. Our 6-year-old has cruised along just fine on the glider board through theme parks. considering that theme parks may restrict the use of stroller wagons, this can ease the problem of juggling a lot more than one child at the park.
Comfort for the Adults – This stroller comes with an adjustable handlebar for varying heights. You can also add accessories like the parent console for drinks and make bringing your own stroller to the theme park less of a hassle.
Where can you get the baby Jogger Citytiny GT2
This stroller can be found in local stores or through online orders and will cost you about $389.99.
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Best travel System
Chicco Bravo Trio travel System
The Chicco Bravo Trio travel system is made with both ease for the parent and comfort for the baby in mind. It is adaptable for all types of outings from doctor’s appointments to shopping.
Why We love This travel System
This travel system comes with the Bravo Stroller and the KeyFit 30 car Seat, both great on their own but even better as a pair! The KeyFit 30 infant car Seat clicks ideal into the stroller with ease. It has indicators to make sure that your baby is seated at the ideal angle. best of all, it is a nearly uncomplicated task to transfer the infant carrier to the stroller and back into the car.
Features We Love
One-Hand smart Fold – one of my favorite features is the One-Hand smart Fold and how compact the stroller folds up.
Multi-Position Reclining – The multi-position reclining makes it a comfortable ride for your little one. This also allows you to use the stroller for long days when your baby might need to nap.
Tires That make for a Smooth ride – With the large treaded tires, all-wheel suspension, and swiveling front wheels this stroller uses a smooth ride.
Great storage space – storage while on the go is also important. The basket underneath has two pockets and mesh sides. You can even check for what you need while in front of the stroller.
Where can you get the Chicco Bravo Trio
This stroller can be found in local stores or through online orders and will cost you about $399.99. Some things to keep in mind while shopping; the Chicco Bravo Trio travel system comes in the following models: Parker, Brooklyn, Calla, Ava, and Camden. The car seat fits infants between 4 to 30 lbs and 30 inches long while the Bravo Stroller fits children up to 50 pounds.
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Best Lightweight
Babyzen YOYO2 6+ Stroller
This stroller is incredibly lightweight and easily collapsible, while still being long lasting and able to hold a child up to 48.5 pounds. That’s the best of both worlds!
Why We love It
This is a French-designed stroller making it a bit different from the others on our best strollers list. one of those big differences being that it weighs less than 14 pounds! That is less than half the weight of some of the top strollers from the U.S. It folds up so well that it can fit in overhead compartments while traveling on airplanes. It also keeps the parent balanced when carrying a baby in one arm and a folded stroller in the other.
Features We Love
Lightweight but strong – just because it is light doesn’t indicate that it can’t hold up to use. It is still constructed with aluminum alloy, stainless steel, and fiberglass and is able to support babies up to 48.5 pounds.
Plenty of storage – The basket underneath is also spacious and durable.
Adaptability – This lightweight stroller can easily be your full-time stroller whether you walk anywhere in the city or still need to bring your baby in the car seat and use the adapters. It is great for travelers or making your way through your urban neighborhoods.
Something to keep in Mind
The Babyzen is created for babies six months and older who are sitting up a lot more with a 5-point harness rather than infants.
Where can you get the Babyzen
This stroller can be found in local stores or through online orders on Amazon and will cost you about $499.98
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Best Luxury
Bugaboo Donkey 3 Mono
The Bugaboo is not only one of our favorite luxury strollers options, but it has the capability to easily convert between a single and double stroller to fit your needs.
Why We love It
Adaptable from single to double Stroller – Bugaboo is genuinely adaptable with the ability to go from a single to a double stroller in three clicks.
High Weight Limits– The strong materials can hold up to 50 pounds per seat so this stroller will last you for the long run.
Slim Configuration – even in the double stroller configuration, it can still fit through a standard doorway.
Easy to keep You