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We all understand exactly how crucial it is to include whole grains in your family’s diet. whole grains are fiber rich as well as make you feel fuller which assists fight obesity. research study has likewise proven that diets rich in whole grain as well as other plant foods low in saturated fat as well as cholesterol may minimize the danger of heart disease.
The American Italian Pasta business understands that you always provide your household 100% so they made a decision that they would do the exact same by introducing a new line of golden Grain 100% whole grain pasta. These fiber rich foods are likewise tasty as well as must be included in everyone’s dinner plans.
Each box of pasta consists of 100% whole grain wheat, is all natural, includes 5g of fiber per serving, as well as is low fat, low sodium as well as cholesterol free. The product line includes:Angel Hair pasta 13.25 oz, Elbow Macaroni 13.25 oz, Penne 13.25 oz, spaghetti 13.25 oz. You can utilize their product locator to discover a store near you on the golden Grain website. like golden Grain on Facebook to get a voucher for $1 off one box while supplies last.
Try this tasty recipe for Veggie spaghetti from golden Grain Pasta.
Veggie Spaghetti
Enjoy the healthful benefits of golden Grain 100% whole Grain pasta with this delicious, easy-to-prepare recipe.
Golden Grain SpaghettiPrep Time: 10 minCook Time: 30 minServes 4
* 1 box (13.25 oz) 100% whole grain spaghetti * 1 Tbsp olive oil * 2 cloves of garlic, minced or 1 tsp of garlic powder * 1 yellow onion, chopped * 1 red bell pepper, chopped * 1 can (28 oz) whole peeled tomatoes * 1 lot of asparagus, chopped * 1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced * 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1. In a big skillet, cook peppers, onions as well as garlic in olive oil over medium warm up until tender, or about 5 minutes. add tomatoes as well as simmer for 15 minutes. 2. cook pasta according to bundle instructions. 3. Meanwhile, add to simmering sauce, asparagus, mushrooms, salt as well as pepper to taste. 4. integrate pasta as well as sauce as well as toss with Parmesan cheese. serve immediately.
You can discover a lot more excellent recipes at
Related Why You must add Phytonutrients to your Diet
*Disclosure: I got 4 boxes of golden Grain 100% whole Grain Pasta in exchange for this review. All opinions are precise as well as 100% mine.
Golden Grain Pasta as well as The healthy mommies magazine is providing away a prize bundle of a Cuisinart Chef’s traditional Stainless Steel 4-Piece 12-Quart Pasta/Steamer set (Retails for around $80) as well as 4 boxes of golden Grain 100% whole Grain Pasta! All you requirement to perform in buy to take part in this giveaway is leave us a comment as well as like golden Grain on Facebook. This giveaway is available to us residents only as well as the contest ends on June 11, 2011 at midnight PST.
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About This Author
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Cascia Talbert is a hectic blogger, publisher, freelance writer, on the internet vendor as well as mom of five kids living in The Pacific Northwest.Cu un B.A. În istorie, precum și în legislație, precum și un entuziasm pentru compunere, precum și pentru a rămâne sănătos, a început revista Healthy Mommies în 2007. Revista Healthy Mommies este în prezent plasată pe blogul de sănătate și wellness de top pentru mami, precum și caracteristici o serie de o serie de Scriitori profesioniști pentru sănătate și wellness, precum și bloggeri de mami. Dna Talbert consideră că, dacă mamele sunt bine informate cu privire la problemele de sănătate și sănătate, precum și exact cum să rămână sănătoși, pot transmite aceste informații copiilor lor, precum și să inverseze statisticile de obezitate a tinerilor din S.U.A.
Dna Talbert este un scriitor de bloguri de sănătate și wellness prezentat la, precum și articolele ei pot fi, de asemenea, descoperite pe De asemenea, ea conduce rețeaua de socializare Healthy Mommies pe Ning, se ocupă de sănătatea și sănătatea naturală a mamei, precum și magazinul de wellness, precum și este pe Consiliul consultativ pentru rețelele de socializare pentru provocarea Wellness din America.
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